Teaching Experience
Instructor - Global Studies Gateway
Cornell University (Fall 2023, with Rachel Beatty Riedl & Leila Ben Abdallah)
Instructor - Global Democracy in Crisis
Cornell University (Spring 2022)
Instructor - African Politics
University of Notre Dame (Fall 2021)
Instructor - Field Research Methods
University of Notre Dame (Fall 2020, with Dr. Jaimie Bleck)
Instructor - Introduction to Political Systems
University of Zimbabwe (Spring 2020)
Teaching Assistant - Introduction to American Politics
University of Notre Dame (Spring 2021, for Geoffrey Layman
Teaching Assistant - Middle-East Politics
University of Notre Dame (Spring 2019, for Mike Hoffman
Teaching Assistant - Introduction to Comparative Politics
University of Notre Dame (Fall 2017, for Robert Dowd)
Effective and Exciting Teaching in Social Sciences
University of Notre Dame (Summer 2017)
Course covered skills including effective lecturing, discussion facilitation, curriculum development, technology in teaching, and grading techniques for social science courses.
Leadership Incubator - Sustainable Development Module
Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (YPFP) - Washington, DC (Summer 2016)
Organized and co-led a module course on international development for 25 young leaders in foreign policy.
Teaching Interests
Africa Politics
Comparative Politics
Democracy and Regimes
Elections and Parties
Political Behavior
Public Opinion and Surveys
Field Research Methods
Quantitative Methods
International Development
Race and Identity
American Politics